Monday, March 25, 2019

March 31, 2019 Cultivating Relationships

The Fourth Sunday of  Lent  - Year C

Reading I: 
1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a

Psalm:  23

Reading II:  Ephesians 5:8-14

John 9:1-41

In parishes where there are people involved in the RCIA Programs, the Second Scrutiny will take place. Those discerning receiving Baptism and/or other Sacraments will be prayed over by the priest and congregation. This is to support them as they seriously consider whether they choose to accept Jesus as their Savior and to follow him within the Catholic, Christian Community.

The study of the cure of the blind man in John’s Gospel is very appropriate as the candidates prepare to make a decision about choosing to believe, trust and follow Jesus. It is also very important for the baptized in the congregation if they are serious about renewing their baptismal promises at the Easter Vigil or on
Easter Sunday.

Jesus tells his disciples: “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” When Jesus sees a man who was blind from birth he spits on the ground, makes clay with his saliva, and smears the clay on the blind man’s eyes. Then Jesus says to him, “Go wash in the Pool of Siloam” (which appropriately, means sent). The blind man goes, washes, and comes back able to see.

The neighbors of the blind man, used to seeing him as a beggar, are questioning whether he is the same person or just looks like him. Then, the Pharisees propose that because he was cured on the Sabbath the one who cured was a sinful man. Finally, they ask the blind man, “What do you have to say about him, since he opened your eyes,” The blind man’s response was, “He is a prophet.”

As the blind man continues to be interrogated, he replies, “It is unheard of that anyone ever opened the eyes of a person born blind. If this man were not from God, he would not be able to do anything.” The listeners resent the blind man’s response and throw him out of the synagogue.

When Jesus hears of his plight, he finds him and gives him the opportunity to make a profession of faith in Him. Jesus says, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” The blind man answers, “Who is He, sir, that I may believe in Him?” Jesus reveals his identity saying, “You have seen Him, the one speaking with you is He.” Can you just imagine what joy and gratitude the blind man feels as he proclaims his faith saying: “I do believe, Lord.”

Jesus claims that he is the “Light of  the World.” Jesus could cure the man of his blindness immediately. However, it first requires that the man go to the Pool of Siloam and wash. It seems that the Lord is showing us through this example that he wants us to participate in the healing process. We may ask, “Why?”  Is there value in going through a gradual healing & enlightening process? Is there value in shared efforts? What is most important to the Lord, is a personal relationship
with Him.

Perhaps, the Lord may be teaching us about relationships, whether they be with another human being or with the Lord. The bond will be deeper and more lasting if there is conscious effort to cultivate it on both sides.  

We know that the Lord chooses to remain with us in a special way in the Eucharist. Do we make an effort to live consciously in his presence? It is a real challenge in today’s busy and noisy world.  However, we can find ways if the relationship is important to us.

I can remember when I was in Catholic Elementary and High School we would remember the holy Presence of God when the clock would strike the hour.
I vividly recall Sister Cecilia Agnes, CSJ who would stop teaching in the middle
of a sentence so that we could focus on the presence of God and praise him.

I also know someone who consciously asks God’s guidance in even small, everyday decisions. I try to do that, but more often than not, I run ahead of the Lord instead of following Him. However, the Lord is pleased with our efforts. I often think of the response of Sr. Thea Bowman when she was asked what she would like to have written on her gravestone.  She simply responded: “I tried.”

 Reflection Question:  How can I cultivate my relationship with the Lord this Lent and beyond?


Stephanie Morris, Ph.D.  Historian, Certified Archivist, Emerita
How does one build a relationship? By getting to know more about the person and spending time with that person. We can build a deeper relationship with the Lord by spending time with Him in adoration and in prayer. If we read or listen to Sacred Scripture with an open heart, we may hear a special word or phrase that reaches out to us. Mother Katharine said that “all our good thoughts come from God.” Sometimes God writes words in BOLD to reach us just when we need that thought.

Pat Chiaffa, ASBS

“I am your God, I have molded you with my own hands, and I love what I have made. I love you with a love that has no limits, because I love you as I am loved… You are my child. . . . I am your God—the God of mercy and compassion, the God of pardon and love, the God of tenderness and care… I so much want you to be with me. I so much want you to be close to me. I know all your thoughts. I hear all your words. I see all your actions. And I love you because you are beautiful, made in my own image, an expression of my most intimate love…Let my love touch the deepest, most hidden corners of your heart and reveal to you your own beauty, a beauty that you have lost sight of, but that will become visible to you again in the light of my mercy. Come, come, let me wipe your tears, and let my mouth come close to your ear and say to you, ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’ ” These words of Henri Nouwen, from his book, You are the Beloved clearly communicate God’s ardent desire for us to be in relationship with him.

 My parish holds an evening Adoration hour on Wednesdays during Lent. It is such a gift to step away from the busyness of the day and enter into the stillness of the church to sit quietly in the Presence of the Lord. While I am “doing” this practice for Lent, I am blessed, healed, and renewed beyond measure as I focus my attention on Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

In his Lenten series entitled, “Best Lent Ever,” Matthew Kelly reminds us of Jesus’ words from John 10:10, “I have come so that you may have life and have it to the fullest.” We are created for incredible joy and for happiness. God wants us to be fully alive. If this is true, and I believe it is, the only place we can experience lasting joy and aliveness in in relationship to Jesus.

Matthew Kelly refers to “Holy Moments” in his daily reflections. The more Holy Moments we create in a day, the more we will experience the joy of Jesus. We can have personal Holy Moments where we pause and center our thoughts on God. We can also create Holy Moments whereby we share Christ with others, such as genuinely listening to someone who is hurting, smiling at a stranger, showing gratitude to the checkout clerk in the supermarket. Opportunities abound when we set the intention to seek and create Holy Moments.

Cultivating Holy Moments is a good way to grow in relationship with the Lord during Lent and beyond. Kelly offers three action steps to assure that our good intentions bear fruit: Focus, Act, Pray.

The following suggestions are from Matthew Kelly’s Best Lent Ever.
Focus: “God wants to collaborate with you to create Holy Moments.”
Act: “Starting today, seek to create one Holy Moment daily.”
Pray: “Holy Spirit, please collaborate with me to create a Holy Moment today.”

May you enjoy a Blessed week filled with many Holy Moments

Monday, March 18, 2019

March 24, 2019 Inspired to Share the “Good News”

The Third Sunday of Lent     Year C
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Reading I:  Exodus 17: 3-7
Psalm:  95

Reading II:  Romans 5:1-2, 5-8

Gospel:  John 4: 5-42

While there are two options for the readings for the third Sunday of Lent, this year I have chosen to focus on the readings for the Mass at which those adults and children in the RCIA or RCIC programs will be prayed over by the congregation.*

Actress Helen Hayes shared an episode which took place before she was a star. At a party where there were many celebrities, she felt shy and sat in a corner alone.  A young man approached her and offered her some salted peanuts. As he offered them to her, he said “I wish they were emeralds.” Helen claimed: “That was the end of my heart; I never got it back.” Something similar happened to the Samaritan woman in John’s Gospel.

According to John the Evangelist, Jesus, tired from his journey, sat down by Jacob’s well around noon time. In this parched land, one can literally die of heat stroke and thirst. This is usually the time when one rests until the heat lessens
a bit. 

A Samaritan woman comes by to draw water. Jesus asks her for a drink. She is totally startled by his request. First of all, Jesus is speaking to a woman, which was not customary to do in that society. Secondly, the Samaritans are despised by most Jews because they are of mixed race, and of a different religion. 

The woman responds to Jesus: “How can you, a Jew, ask me a Samaritan woman for a drink?...Jews use nothing in common with Samaritans.” Jesus answers, “If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.” The woman responds, “You do not even have a bucket and the cistern is deep; where then can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob who gave us this cistern and drank from it himself with his children and his flocks?” Jesus replies,
Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  The woman pleads: “Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water.”

Jesus replies, “Go call your husband and come back.” The woman responds,
“I do not have a husband.” Jesus answers,“You are right in saying, ‘I do not have
a husband.’ For you have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not
your husband.”

Startled, the woman says, “I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain; but you people say that the place to worship is in Jerusalem.” ...Jesus responds: “God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.” The woman replies, “I know that the Messiah
is coming, the one called the Christ; when He comes, He will tell us everything.” 
Jesus responds, “I am He, the one speaking with you.”

What joy must have filled her heart! She hastens into the town saying to the people. “Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could He possibly be the Christ?”  Because of the testimony of the woman, many came to believe
in Him. 

Once being offered a special gift by Jesus, the woman is converted, gives Him her heart and spreads the “good news” to all she meets. She is never the same again.

 Reflection Question:  Can you recall an encounter,  a gift, or an experience that caused you to never be the same again?

* The RCIA  program is the preparation for adults who wish to join the Catholic Church.  It is also for those who have been baptized, but have not received all the Sacraments, or have been away from the Church and want to be updated. 
 In addition, this program is available to non-Catholic Christians interested in exploring the possibility of becoming Catholic. Some baptisms, received in mainstream Protestant denominations, are accepted by the Catholic Church, so the person just needs to make a profession of faith in the Catholic Church and receive the other Sacraments. 

 The RCIC program is for children who are older and were not baptized as babies or younger children.  It is also for older children who did not receive First Communion, Reconciliation or Confirmation at the usual 

More information is available in parish churches.

Spanish Translation of Reflection Above...
Inspirado para compartir las “Buenas Noticias”

Si bien hay dos opciones para las lecturas del tercer domingo de Cuaresma, este año he elegido centrarme en las lecturas de la Misa en las que la congregación orará por aquellos adultos y niños en los programas RICA o RCIC. *

La actriz Helen Hayes compartió un episodio que tuvo lugar antes de que fuera una estrella. En una fiesta donde había muchas celebridades, se sentía tímida y se sentaba sola en un rincón. Un joven se le acercó y le ofreció unos cacahuetes salados. Mientras se las ofrecía a ella, dijo Ojalá fuesen esmeraldas”, Helen afirmó:Ese fue el final de mi corazón; Nunca lo recuperé”. Algo similar le sucedió a la mujer samaritana en el Evangelio de Juan.

De acuerdo con Juan el Evangelista, Jesús, cansado de su viaje, se sentó junto al pozo de Jacob alrededor del mediodía. En esta tierra seca, uno puede literalmente morir de insolación y sed. Este suele ser el momento en que uno descansa hasta que el calor disminuye un poco.

Una mujer Samaritana viene a sacar agua. Jesús le pide una bebida. Ella está totalmente sorprendida por su petición. En primer lugar, Jesús le está hablando a una mujer, lo que no se acostumbraba a hacer en esa sociedad. En segundo lugar, los samaritanos son despreciados por la mayoría de los judíos porque son de raza mixta y de una religión diferente.

La mujer responde a Jesús: “¿Cómo puedes tú, un judío, pedirme a una samaritana una bebida? ... Los judíos no usan nada en común con los samaritanos”. Jesús responde: “Si conocieras el don de Dios y quién está diciendo a ti, ‘Dame una bebida’, le hubieras preguntado y Él te habría dado agua viva”. La mujer responde: “Ni siquiera tienes un cubo y la cisterna es profunda; ¿De dónde entonces puedes conseguir esta agua viva? ¿Eres más grande que nuestro padre Jacob que nos dio esta cisterna y bebió de él mismo con sus hijos y sus rebaños?” Jesús responde: “Todos los que beban esta agua volverán a tener sed; mas el que bebiere del agua que yo daré, no tendrá sed jamás; el agua que daré se convertirá en él en un manantial de agua que brota de la vida eterna”. La mujer suplica: “Señor, dame esta agua para que no tenga sed o tenga que seguir viniendo aquí para sacar agua”.

Jesús responde: “Ve, llama a tu marido y vuelve”. La mujer responde: “No tengo marido”. Jesús responde: “Tienes razón al decir: ‘No tengo marido’. Porque has tenido cinco. Esposos, y el que tienes ahora no es tu marido”.

Sorprendida, la mujer dice: Puedo ver que eres un profeta. Nuestros antepasados adoraban en esta montaña; pero ustedes dicen que el lugar para adorar está en Jerusalén. ...Jesús responde: Dios es espíritu y los que lo adoran deben adorarlo en espíritu y en verdad”. La mujer responde, Sé que el Mesías viene, el llamado el Cristo; cuando venga, nos lo dirá todo”. Jesús responde, Yo soy el que habla contigo”.

¡Qué alegría debe haber llenado su corazón! Ella se apresura a entrar al pueblo diciendo a la gente. Ven a ver a un hombre que me contó todo lo que he hecho. ¿Podría posiblemente ser el Cristo?  Debido al testimonio de la mujer, muchos llegaron a creer en él.

Una vez que Jesús le ofreció un regalo especial, la mujer se convierte, le entrega su corazón y transmite las “buenas nuevas” a todos los que se encuentra. Ella nunca volverá a ser la misma.

  Pregunta de reflexión:   ¿Puedes recordar un encuentro, un regalo o una experiencia que hizo que nunca volvieras a ser el mismo?

* El programa RICA es la preparación para adultos que desean unirse a la Iglesia Católica. También es para aquellos que han sido bautizados, pero no han recibido todos los Sacramentos, o han estado fuera de la Iglesia y desean ser actualizados.

Además, este programa está disponible para los cristianos no católicos interesados en explorar la posibilidad de convertirse en católicos. Algunos bautismos, recibidos en las denominaciones protestantes de la corriente principal, son aceptados por la Iglesia Católica, por lo que la persona solo necesita hacer una profesión de fe en la Iglesia Católica y recibir los otros Sacramentos.

El programa RCIC es para niños que son mayores y no fueron bautizados cuando eran bebés o niños más pequeños. También es para niños mayores que no recibieron la Primera Comunión, la Reconciliación o la Confirmación en las edades habituales.

Más información está disponible en las iglesias parroquiales.

Monday, March 11, 2019

March 17, 2019 Transfiguration

Second Sunday of Lent C - Transfiguration

Reading I:  Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18

Psalm:  Psalm 27

Reading II:  Philippians  3:17-4:1

Gospel:  Luke 9:28b-36

This comforting quote from one of my favorite poets reminds us of our Heavenly Father’s constant care for his children. Again, our Gospel reflection is on the Transfiguration. As a loving parent, God prepares his children for what they will face in the future. The faith of the disciples needs to be solid to be able to deal with the Passion of our Lord. A glimpse of the glorious Jesus can sustain them when there seems to
be no hope.

Luke is the only one of the evangelists who mentions the conversation taking place between Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. As they talk about the upcoming suffering and death of Jesus, they confirm the connections between their actions and predictions recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures.  The disciples are so impressed with the vision that they want to set up tents so that they can experience the wonder of it all longer.

Then, a shadow of a cloud is cast over them. From the cloud a direct command from God the Father is heard: “This is my chosen Son; listen to Him.” Having been able to see the glory of Jesus in his transfigured form and to be reassured of the coming fulfillment of the promise of a Savior and redemption, the disciples have been given the support needed as they face the upcoming experiences of the sufferings and death of Jesus.

As an only child, many people tend to think that I had everything I wanted when I wanted it. However, in my mother's wisdom, she knew she was to prepare me for my life to come. When  I would ask for something, sometimes I received it and other times the answer was “No.”  She knew that in the eventualities of life I would not always have my way. I have often felt grateful to her for the many ways she prepared me for life. Usually, something better would result in the long run even when I had to live with a “No.”  Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, so it behooves us to trust in His providence.

Though the Mountains May Fall  by Dan Schutte

Though the mountains my fall and the hills turn to dust,
Yet the love of the Lord will stand
As a Shelter for all who will call on His name.
Sing the praise and the glory of God!

Verse I:
Could the Lord ever leave you?
Could the Lord forget his love?
Though a mother forsake her child,
He will not abandon you.

Verse II:
Should you turn and forsake Him,
He will gently call your name.
Should you wander away from Him,
He will always take you back.

Verse III:
Go to him when you are weary;
He will give you eagles wings.
You will run, never tire,
for your God will be your strength.

Verse IV:
As He swore to your fathers,
when the flood destroyed the land;
He will never forsake you;
He will swear to you again.

 Reflection Question:  Can you think of a time in your life when something happened which disappointed you, but ended up being a blessing from the Lord?

Spanish Translation of Reflection Above...

“Detrás de la oscuridad desconocida,Está Dios en la sombra, vigilando por encima de los suyos.” 
- Jaime Russell Lowell

Esta cita reconfortante de uno de mis poetas favoritos nos recuerda el cuidado constante de nuestro Padre Celestial por sus hijos. Una vez más, nuestra reflexión del Evangelio está en la Transfiguración. Como padre amoroso, Dios prepara a sus hijos para lo que enfrentarán en el futuro. La fe de los discípulos debe ser sólida para poder tratar con la Pasión de nuestro Señor. Un vistazo al glorioso Jesús puede sostenerlos cuando parece que no hay esperanza.

Lucas es el único de los evangelistas que menciona la conversación que tuvo lugar entre Jesús, Moisés y Elías. Al hablar sobre el próximo sufrimiento y la muerte de Jesús, confirman las conexiones entre sus acciones y las predicciones registradas en las Escrituras hebreas. Los discípulos están tan impresionados con la visión que quieren instalar carpas para que puedan experimentar la maravilla de todo esto por más tiempo.

Entonces, una sombra de una nube se proyecta sobre ellos. Desde la nube un comando directo desde Dios el padre se escucha: “Este es mi Hijo elegido; Escúchalo a él”. Habiendo sido capaces de ver la gloria de Jesús en su forma transfigurada y de sentirse seguros del cumplimiento venidero de la promesa de un Salvador y de la redención, a los discípulos se les ha brindado el apoyo necesario para enfrentar las experiencias venideras de los sufrimientos y la muerte de Jesús.

Como hija única, muchas personas tienden a pensar que tenía todo lo que quería cuando lo quería. Sin embargo, en la sabiduría de mi madre, ella sabía que debía prepararme para la vida futura. Cuando pedía algo, a veces lo recibía y otras veces la respuesta era "No". Ella sabía que en las eventualidades de la vida no siempre tendría mi camino. A menudo me he sentido agradecido por las muchas maneras en que me preparó para la vida. Por lo general, algo mejor resultaría a largo plazo incluso cuando tuviera que vivir con un “No”.  Nuestro Padre Celestial sabe lo que es mejor para nosotros, por lo que nos corresponde confiar en
su providencia.

Aunque Las Montañas Pueden Caer  por Dan Schutte

Aunque los montes se caigan y los montes se conviertan en polvo,
Sin embargo, el amor del Señor permanecerá
Como un refugio para todos los que invocan su nombre.
¡Cantad la alabanza y la gloria de Dios!

Verso I:
¿Podría el Señor alguna vez dejarte?
¿Podría el Señor olvidar su amor?
Aunque una madre abandona a su hijo,
Él no te abandonará.

Verso II:
Si te conviertes y lo abandones,
Él suavemente llamará tu nombre.
Si te alejaras de él,
Él siempre te llevará de vuelta.

Verso III:
Ve a él cuando estés cansado;
Te dará alas de águila.
Correrás, nunca te cansarás,
Porque tu Dios será tu fortaleza.

Verso IV:
Como juró a tus padres,
cuando el diluvio destruyó la tierra;
Él nunca te abandonará;
Él te jurará de nuevo.

  Pregunta de reflexión:   ¿Puedes pensar en un momento de tu vida en el que sucedió algo que te decepcionó, pero que terminó siendo una bendición del Señor?

Monday, March 4, 2019

March 10, 2019 Temptations & Suffering

The First Sunday of Lent - Year C

Reading I:  
Deuteronomy 26: 4-10

Psalm:  91

Reading II:  Romans 10:8-13

Gospel:  Luke 4:1-13

In today’s Gospel, we are told of the temptations of Jesus. When he had fasted for 40 days and was hungry, the devil tempts him to change stones into bread. Then, the devil tells him that if he would bow down and worship him, he would be given all the kingdoms of the world.  Finally, the devil, trying to appeal to a desire for prestige, challenges Jesus to jump from a pinnacle to show that he would be saved by angels.

Jesus chose to take on the full human experience even allowing himself to be tempted. Because of this, we can know that he understands what we go through when being tempted. He also showed us how to resist temptations.

When I was younger, I used to think about the suffering of Jesus primarily during his Passion. Then, I would see the sufferings of my relatives, friends, and others who had lifelong, relentless, extreme sufferings and wonder why God would allow that kind of life experience for some. Others seemed to have had easy lives. It didn’t seem fair. However, in my later years, I have come to realize that much suffering is not visible. Only God knows the deep interior sufferings that many endure.

I also realize that just as our lives are a mixture of joys and sufferings, so was the human life of Jesus. Even his birth in a lowly cave which sheltered animals also included the loving embraces of Mary and Joseph.

The Church Year focuses on different aspects of the life of Jesus. During Lent, we will be focusing on the sufferings of  Jesus.

A comment my mother made has remained with me over the years. She had just come home on the bus after grocery shopping. (She had, had a very difficult life and was severely lame.) She mentioned to me that a lovely young girl had sat beside her on the bus and had been very kind to her. My mother’s observation was that “she must have had a lot of suffering in her life, otherwise, she would not have been so thoughtful.”

As I reflect on people I have met in my lifetime, I am aware of the great generosity of poor people who help others. They know what it feels like to be hungry and in need. I recall instances of parents with handicapped children reaching out to help other children. I know of couples who could not have a biological child of their own, adopting children and providing them with loving homes. God knows what he is doing, though it is difficult for us to understand at times.

If we want to have beautiful spring flowers, we know that both sunshine and rain are required. So too must we have joy and pain in our lives to grow and fully blossom.

 Reflection Question:  Why so much suffering? Can you think of any instance in which suffering produced “good fruit?

Spanish Translation of Reflection Above...
Tentaciones y Sufrimiento

En el Evangelio de hoy, se nos habla de las tentaciones de Jesús. Cuando había ayunado durante 40 días y tenía hambre, el diablo lo tienta a convertir las piedras en pan. Entonces, el diablo le dice que si se inclina y lo adora, se le darán todos los reinos del mundo. Finalmente, el diablo, tratando de apelar a un deseo de prestigio, desafía a Jesús a saltar desde un pináculo para mostrar que él sería salvado por los ángeles.

Jesús eligió asumir la experiencia humana completa, incluso dejándose tentar. Debido a esto, podemos saber que él entiende por lo que pasamos cuando somos tentados. También nos mostró cómo resistir las tentaciones.

Cuando era más joven, solía pensar en el sufrimiento de Jesús principalmente durante su Pasión. Luego, vería los sufrimientos de mis familiares, amigos y otros que sufrieron sufrimientos extremos de por vida, implacables, y me preguntaría por qué Dios permitiría ese tipo de experiencia de vida para algunos. Otros parecían haber tenido vidas fáciles. No parecía justo. Sin embargo, en mis últimos años, me he dado cuenta de que mucho sufrimiento no es visible. Solo Dios conoce los profundos sufrimientos interiores que muchos soportan.

También me doy cuenta de que al igual que nuestras vidas son una mezcla de alegrías y sufrimientos, también lo fue la vida humana de Jesús. Incluso su nacimiento en una humilde cueva que abrigaba animales también incluía los abrazos amorosos de María y José.

El Año de la Iglesia se centra en diferentes aspectos de la vida de Jesús. Durante la Cuaresma, nos enfocaremos en los sufrimientos de Jesús.

Un comentario que hizo mi madre ha permanecido conmigo a lo largo de los años. Ella acababa de llegar a casa en el autobús después de la compra de comestibles. (Tuvo, tuvo una vida muy difícil y estaba gravemente coja). Me comentó que una joven encantadora se había sentado a su lado en el autobús y había sido muy amable con ella. La observación de mi madre fue que “Ella debe haber tenido mucho sufrimiento en su vida, de lo contrario, no habría sido tan pensativa”.

Al reflexionar sobre las personas que he conocido en mi vida, soy consciente de la gran generosidad de las personas pobres que ayudan a los demás. Saben lo que se siente estar hambriento y necesitado. Recuerdo casos de padres con niños discapacitados que ayudaron a otros niños. Sé de parejas que no podían tener un hijo biológico propio, adoptar niños y proporcionarles hogares afectuosos. Dios sabe lo que está haciendo, aunque a veces nos cuesta entenderlo.

Si queremos tener hermosas flores de primavera, sabemos que se necesita sol y lluvia. Así también debemos tener alegría y dolor en nuestras vidas para crecer y florecer completamente.

 Pregunta de reflexión:  ¿Por qué tanto sufrimiento? ¿Se te ocurre algún caso en el que se produzca el sufrimiento “buena fruita?