Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Social Justice Virtual Event 4/26/21

Corpus Christi -
The Lamb of God

When we reflect on the Sacred Body and Blood of our Savior, we realize that under that humble appearance of bread and wine, we have the Almighty God Himself hidden. There are many titles given to help us get a glimpse of the wonders within.

One of my favorite titles is used just before we receive Holy Communion. The priest holds up the Host and says: 
“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” “Lamb of God” is such a tender title.  It bespeaks gentleness, sacrifice, and new life. 

How sweet the image of the gentle little lamb.  How gentle the Lamb of God is dealing with us sinners.  How strong and self-sacrificing He was to undergo the Passion with all the cruelty shown by those very creatures whom He had chosen to redeem! What humility to allow Himself to be consumed by His creatures in the Eucharist so that they may be one with Him and one another! 

There is no other explanation except that He loves us so dearly that we could say that He is 
“crazy about us.”  All He asks is that we return that love and love one another as He has loved us. We are so weak that we even have to ask His grace to love Him as He deserves to be loved and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

There is so much meaning packed into the title “Lamb of God”
that it is no wonder that the priest at Mass calls on us to pause and contemplate the Host saying: 
“Behold the Lamb of God, Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world.” 

What could be more fitting just before we are fed with His Sacred Body and Blood? What an awesome God we have!  How truly “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lord!”  How wonderfully blessed are we!!!

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