Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 20, 2016 - Feast of Christ the King

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

Reading I:  2 Samuel 5:1-3
Response:  Ps.122
Reading II: Colossians1:12-20
Gospel: Luke 23: 35-43

In this week’s Gospel, we hear the beautiful words of the “good thief,”...“Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” We also rejoice in Jesus’ touching response: “I promise you that today you will be with me in paradise.” Somehow, the thief was able to recognize the holiness of Jesus and to trust in his mercy. This had to be a very special grace. He was granted this gift out of the pure abundance of God’s mercy. What peace and joy must have filled his heart!

Yes, we are also blessed to have such a loving and generous Savior. As we contemplate the image of Christ the King, we see him gesturing peace. In the Scriptures, we often hear him offering us peace. However, like the good thief, we must trust in his goodness and surrender ourselves to Him as our King if we are to have that peace. We need to follow his ways acknowledging that his way of love is the only way we can have peace in our families, our country, and in our world.

This is so important these days as our country, torn apart politically, must strive to come together in the aftermath of a very deeply divisive election. Let us remember that the important thing is to
maintain good relationships not only with those who agree with us, but also with those who see things differently.

This can start with praying especially for them, and respecting them although we may not agree with them. We need to move on, despite our own concerns and fears. Jesus is still King.

In the image above, we see that he holds the world in his hands. Presently, things seem to be out of control, but, as the song goes... “He’s got the whole world in his hands.” In spite of our mistakes and sinfulness, “the Lord can write straight with crooked lines.”

Sometimes, we need to go through difficult times to remind ourselves that we need God. Tragedy can bring us to our knees. However, we read in Holy Scripture that “for those who love God, all things work together unto good.” (Romans 8:28)

See our new blog Spanish Translation below:

En el Evangelio de esta semana, escuchamos las hermosas palabras de el “buena ladrón,”
“Acuérdate de mí cuando vengas en tu reino.” Nosotros también regocijo en respuesta tocar a Jesús: “Te prometo que hoy estará conmigo en el paraíso.” De alguna manera, el ladrón fue capaz de reconocer la santidad de Jesús y confiar en su misericordia. Esto tenía que ser una gracia muy especial. Se le concedió este regalo fuera de la pura abundancia de la misericordia de Dios. Lo que la paz y la alegría debe de haber llenado su corazón!

Sí, también la suerte de tener un Salvador tan amoroso y generoso. Al contemplar la imagen de Cristo Rey, lo vemos haciendo un gesto de paz. En las Escrituras, que a menudo le oímos nos ofrece la paz. Sin embargo, como el buen ladrón hay que confiar en su bondad y entrega a Él como nuestro Rey, si queremos tener esa paz. Necesitamos seguir sus caminos reconociendo que su forma de amor es la única manera que podemos tener paz en nuestras familias, nuestro país y en nuestro mundo.

Esto es tan importante en estos días como nuestro país, desgarrado políticamente, deben esforzarse para reunirse como consecuencia de una elección muy profundas divisiones. Recordemos que lo importante es mantener buenas relaciones no sólo con los que están de acuerdo con nosotros, pero también para aquellos que lo ve cosas de manera diferente.

Esto puede comenzar con la oración especialmente para ellos, y respetarlos aunque no estemos de acuerdo con ellos. Tenemos que seguir adelante a pesar de nuestras propias preocupaciones y temores. Jesús sigue siendo el rey.

En la imagen de arriba vemos que sostiene el mundo en sus manos. En este momento, las cosas parecen estar fuera de control, pero, como dice la canción: “Él tiene el mundo entero en sus manos.” A pesar de nuestros errores y pecaminoso, “el Señor puede escribe derecho con líneas torcidas.”

A veces, tenemos que pasar por momentos difíciles de recordar que necesitamos a Dios. Tragedia nos puede poner de rodillas. Sin embargo, leemos en la Santa Escritura que “para aquellos que aman a Dios, todas las cosas les ayudan a bien.” (Romanos 8:28)


  1. I can still recall that as a young child, somewhere around three to four years old, I would have very frightening nightmares. During a particularly disturbing one, my father came into my room in the middle of the night to comfort me. He embraced me in his arms until my trembling stopped and turned on the light to assure me that there was nothing to fear. Then he tucked me into bed and lovingly kissed me goodnight. I fell asleep peacefully feeling safe and secure.
    Looking back on that incident I realized how sacrificial my father’s nurturing was. He was a warehouseman working the evening shift. He lifted heavy boxes for the entire time and would come home physically depleted and exhausted. He probably had just gotten into bed when he heard my cries. He referred to me as his little princess, and no doubt about it, my dad was my king. I had such joy in his presence.
    A hole formed in my heart the day my father died. I was a young adult and the death of my dad was a devastating loss. I spent the next twenty plus years of my life trying to find that same depth of love – only to conclude that that unique special bond was not to be duplicated.
    By the grace of God, I was directed to the Motherhouse of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. Through participation in Scripture Sharing, God’s word has taken root in my heart and is relevant in my daily life. Activities such as blogging, community prayer, and most importantly, spending time in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament, awakened me to the Presence of Christ within me and around me. I have found the love and security I yearned to experience.
    In her book, Jesus Calling, Sarah Young tells us that Christ beckons each of us to walk through each day with childlike delight, savoring every blessing. In doing so we proclaim our trust in Jesus, our ever present Shepherd. “I am with you always,” were the last words Jesus spoke before ascending into heaven. Following is an excerpt from Jesus Calling that I’d like to share because it is so timely:
    I am yours for all eternity. I am the Alpha and the Omega: the One who is and was and is to come. The world you inhabit is a place of constant changes-more than your mind can absorb without going into shock. Even the body you inhabit is changing relentlessly in spite of modern science’s attempts to prolong youth and life indefinitely. I, however, am the same yesterday and today and forever.
    Because I never change, your relationship with Me provides a rock-solid foundation for your life. I will never leave your side. When you move on from this life to the next, My Presence beside you will shine brighter with each step. You have nothing to fear because I am with you for all time and throughout eternity.
    The childhood love I shared with my dad was but a foretaste of my relationship with God. I am and always have been a beloved daughter, a princess of the King of the Universe who sacrificed His life for me. Forever and always I will give thanks and praise to Jesus Christ, King of Heaven and Earth and my heart.

  2. Alleluia! Wonderful! Congratulations!
    I am delighted beyond words about the Spanish translation!
    It will probably be sincerely appreciated by many readers.
    God bless!
