Friday, June 3, 2016

June 5, 2016 - The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year C :  Reflections on the Gospel of Luke 7:11-17

Luke 7:11–16, Christ raises a young man from the deadIn today's Gospel, we see a compassionate Jesus. He observes the dead young son of a widow being carried on a bier, along a dirt road, leading to the grave. He is her only child. Not only does she grieve his passing, but he is her only source of support in a time when women depended on male family members to care for them. Jesus' heart goes out to her in her great loss.

Jesus could well be also envisioning the day when his own mother would be heartbroken over the cruel death of her only son. He is touched to a degree that he chooses to raise the son from the dead. What great joy the mother is experiencing, as depicted in the picture above! What happiness Jesus must feel to be able to return the beloved child to his mother!  

Maybe Mary was there that day.  Did she understand that Jesus was trying to reassure her that even though she would see him die at the hands of sinful men,  he would also rise from the dead?  Did she have a sense of the joy that would be hers on that blessed day, as she watched the widow tenderly cup her son's face in her hands?  Were some of the disciples present to observe this miracle?  Were they able to trust that Jesus would come back to them also?

We can observe how Jesus sensed the heartbreak of the widow and how he responded to her great sorrow and need.   However, the witnesses seem puzzled.  Who is this Jesus, the son of a carpenter, who can raise a person from the dead?  Were some resentful of all the attention Jesus'  kindness and power brought to him?  Are they feeling jealous that people are following him?  He seems so very ordinary, yet he does extraordinary things?  Where does he get his power?    Do they feel drawn to follow Him and imitate his compassion in their own lives?  We can only speculate about all these things.  However, allowing ourselves to contemplate the scene,  can deepen our appreciation of the Lord and His followers.

Today we observe the compassionate Jesus who told us that he is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Are we willing to live His Way? Do we make the necessary sacrifices to extend compassion to our brothers and sisters in need?  With the Lord at our sides giving us strength, we can let go of our self-centered ways and embrace His Way.

Among St. Katharine Drexel's writings we find the following: "I firmly believe that we don't realize the power that is ours in the Companionship which is ours." Who needs our compassion at this time?


  1. What a powerful reflection, Sr. Annette! I especially enjoyed how you pointed out the many possible foreshadowings within this gospel story, and the potential view points of the many witnesses of this miracle. Also loved the quote from St. Katharine!

  2. Dear Cheri,

    Thanks for your support. Feel free to add your reflections.

  3. Hello Sr. Annette. I certainly agree with Cheri that you offered us a powerful reflection on the compassion of Jesus. I also like that you gave a bit of history of the time informing us that women relied on a male family for support. That certainly makes sense as to why Jesus instructed John to take care of His mother upon His death. The gospels are so rich with stories which tell of Jesus' compassion. Since Jesus is a mirror of the Father it is comforting to know that God is so loving and compassionate toward us. Countless times have I been raised from death to life by Jesus through the power of his forgiveness of my sins. As much as I regret that I offended Him by my sins, I am so grateful for the joy that results from forgiveness. Praise God for his tender compassionate love. In turn, I pray that Christ's compassionate Presence will guide me to be caring and loving toward others.

  4. It may be a strangers face, a man standing on the side of the road homeless and begging, someone who has lost the courage to trust,who is hurting due to life's circumstances, someone who needs a little hope.......our world is in need of compassion and less judgement. I pray that our Lord provides the Grace to take away the fear in me to move forward with the strength and compassion to open my heart and speak His love to all those in need. I desire to be an instrument of His peace,hope & love to serve Him generously.

  5. In his Homily, Father pointed out that the woman in the story is nameless and that is because she represents all of us. We share the plight of that woman in that we all face grief and pain. And, just as she did, we encounter Someone who can do something miraculous - death if not the last word for those of us who believe. Jesus, who calls himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life is the power over everything that crushes out life -whether it be death, addiction, sin...He can fill the holes in our souls when circumstances diminishes us. When pain holds us, Jesus' power flows to resurrect and transform us.

  6. I appreciate your sharing. The more we share the deeper our understanding and appreciation of our awesome God. We have been blessed to have Jesus in our lives and also one another.
