Tuesday, February 25, 2025

 Along with Lent comes Spring! 

I am Stephanie Morris, formerly the Director of Archives of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and an Associate of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (ASBS). Sister Annette Marie O’Donnell had begun this blog as “Companions on the Journey” but has retired from actively writing. St. Katharine said we are all typewriters in the hands of the Lord; it has been a pleasure and privilege for me to serve as St. Katharine’s typist for many years.

March brings us several important days – March 3rd is the anniversary of St. Katharine’s death in 1955 – 70 years ago. March 5th is Ash Wednesday this year. March 19th is the feast of Saint Joseph.

Saint Katharine would prefer that we focus on Lent and Saint Joseph rather than on herself.

In 1889, Saint Katharine noted that she had received the grace to accept the call to enter religious life and work among the African American and Native American people on the feast of Saint Joseph.

Saint Katharine’s close relationship with God (remember her motto – “My Beloved to me and I to Him”) perhaps grew out of Saint Joseph’s close relationship with the Son of God – Jesus, for whom he served as a foster father. Perhaps in honor of Saint Joseph, we might try this Lent to develop a closer relationship with Jesus, our Brother, and Redeemer.

In 1911, with the approach of Lent, Saint Katharine urged her Sisters:

“To Fast interiorly.

To Fast from uncharitable thoughts and words …

To Fast from unkind, ungentle, want of meekness in words to each other.”

Perhaps we could try to fast like this a little more this Lent.

Along with Lent comes spring! The days are getting longer; we enjoy more sunlight. Flowers will start making their presence known. Saint Katharine likened a field of wildflowers to the graces God is freely bestowing about us. So many beautiful colors and types, yet each flower is beautiful in and of itself.

May we remember that we are beautiful in and of ourselves in the sight of God.

Stephanie Morris, Ph.D., A.S.B.S.

February 25, 2025