Friday, August 30, 2024

School Days – Good Old Golden Rule Days!


    In many parts of the United States, students and teachers returned to class in August. Any time is a time to start anew, to start with fresh notebooks and pencils/pens. Any time is also a good time to refresh our spiritual lives.

    Each new day is ‘THE present.’ THE present is also A present, a gift. Each day we can start fresh, even if we are still doing the same things. We can receive the graces to do this at any time. We can try to do ordinary things “extraordinarily well.”  Saint Katharine reminds us that when we receive Holy Communion, we have “graces poured down upon us without number.” If we are open to these graces, if we are willing to go along with what God asks us to do, we will succeed. We may not get all A’s or 100’s, but we will be following God’s will and that can make us a saint. 

    On September 10, 1946, Sister Teresa of the Loreto Sisters was on a train, enroute to an annual retreat when she had an “experience with God.” Years later she was Mother Teresa of Calcutta, foundress of the Missionaries of Charity.

    We can have an “experience” with God at Mass, in our prayer spot at home, or while enjoying a sunrise or sunset or the laugh of a child.  Any time we think of God or pause to listen to Him, the Holy Spirit can fill us with the divine, connecting us with the Holy Trinity. Saint Katharine encourages us to open our “hearts to the God that calls you now.” We don’t have to start a new religious community after this encounter with God.  We might be encouraged to smile at someone, making them smile in return. In doing this, we may have brightened their day.

    Whether you are starting something new, or just “keeping on keeping on,” may the Holy Spirit inspire you and fill you with courage to continue on the path God has designed for you.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Joys of Heaven

        The summer is winding down. Did you get a chance to relax or refresh yourself? Relaxation is one way of refueling so that we can prepare to do the next step.

Even the apostles needed some help in preparing for their ministry as evangelizers. At the Transfiguration, Peter, James and John saw the glory of the Risen Jesus. Every time we receive Holy Communion, we share in the glory of the Risen Jesus.

In August, we also honor the Assumption of Our Lady. Jesus honored His Mother on earth; He continues to do this by bringing her home to Him to enjoy the joys of heaven. Saint Katharine urges us to think often “of the joys of heaven and that these are to be yours. Make it yours by corresponding with every grace.”

Saint Katharine said many times that we are called to be saints. Easier said than done, you say? Saint Katharine said that to become a saint, all we have to do is to do what God asks of us. God sometimes seems to ask a lot of us. If we step back and let God work through us and our friends, we will see that we can handle these challenges.

May you continue to enjoy the last days of summer and feel refreshed to start the new school term.

Stephanie Morris, Ph.D., C.A. retired

July 25, 2024